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GPPS 1160
HS Code




GPPS 1160 POLYSTYRENE is a type of polymer product and Arena Petro Gas is in position to supply and export it directly from TABRIZ PETROCHEMICAL through its trading services according to the following specification and technical properties.

Some of the industries that use GPPS 1160 POLYSTYRENE are:
  • Packaging industry: cups, trays, boxes, etc. that can protect and display the products inside.
  • Household and sanitary sector: shower cabinets, lighting fixtures, utensils, etc. that require high transparency and gloss.
  • Insulation industry: It POLYSTYRENE is also used in the insulation industry for making expanded sheets that have high thermal resistance and can be used for building insulation or cold storage.
Some of the technical specifications of GPPS 1160 POLYSTYRENE in TABRIZ PETROCHEMICAL are:
  • Melt Flow Index (200°C -5kg): 2.5 g/10min
  • Styrene Residual Monomer: <500 ppm
  • Density: 1.05 g/cm3
  • Tensile Strength at Yield: 50 MPa
  • Flexural Modulus: 3300 MPa
  • Vicat Softening Temperature: 105°C
Finally, if you are looking for GPPS 1160 from TABRIZ PETROCHEMICAL plants, Arena Petro Gas company is ready to supply you as its trading services according to your requirements and in accordance to the manufacturers' specifications, you can easily submit your order online.
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General Purpose Polystyrene 1160

GPPS 1160 is a high heat-resistant, high molecular weight crystalline polystyrene primarily used in the extrusion industry. Its key features include:
  • Transparency: GPPS 1160 offers excellent clarity.
  • Mechanical Properties: It provides high stiffness and dimensional stability.
  • Heat Resistance: Suitable for applications requiring resistance to elevated temperatures.

GPPS 1160 Trading Supplier in Iran

  • Supplier: Arena Petro Gas directly trades and supplies GPPS 1160 from Tabriz Petrochemical Company in Iran.

Applications of GPPS 1160

GPPS 1160 finds use in various applications:
  • Shower Cabinets: Used for manufacturing shower screens.
  • Lighting Thin Films: Ideal for creating transparent films.
  • Insulation Board: Suitable for insulation applications.
  • Foam Sheets: Used in fruit trays, meat trays, and egg boxes.

GPPS 1160 Manufacturers in Iran

  • Manufacturer: Takht-e-Jamshid Petrochemical Company  produces GPPS 1161, meeting global standards and offering competitive properties.

GPPS 1160

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