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HIPS 4125

Private Company (Arena Petro Gas)

High Impact Polystyrene 4125

HIPS-4125 is a specialized grade of High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) known for its excellent impact strength, good dimensional stability, and ease of processing. It offers the following properties:
  • Melt Flow Rate: Approximately 12 g/10 min at 200°C and 5 kg load.
  • Tensile Strength: 30 MPa.
  • Flexural Modulus: 2600 MPa.
  • Charpy Impact Strength: 6.3 Kj/m².
  • Vicat Softening Point: 93°C at 1 kg load.
This versatile material finds applications in various industries, including:
  1. Food Packaging: HIPS-4125 is used for food containers due to its stability and ease of processing.
  2. Household Items: It’s suitable for household products.
  3. Toys: HIPS-4125 is commonly used in toy manufacturing.
  4. Masterbatch and Compounding: It’s an essential component in these processes.

HIPS 4125 Trading Supplier in Iran

ARENA PETRO GAS Company is known as the supplier of HIPS 4125 in Iran.

Applications of HIPS 4125

  • Consumer Electronics Housings: HIPS-4125’s durability and surface finish make it ideal for electronics casing.
  • Robust Packaging Materials: It’s used in packaging due to its impact strength.
  • Automotive Interior Components: HIPS-4125 finds applications in car interiors.

HIPS 4125 Manufacturers in Iran

Arena Petro Gas Company can supply this product from the best and highest quality Iranian producers. Remember that manufacturers must ensure compliance with migration requirements for food contact articles and industrial packaging.

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